Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 4 of the Bahamas, Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day of 4 of the Bahamas Trip

Evangelizing at the Bahamian Straw Market

On our second to last day, we had some quite time in the morning to spend with the Lord and then we went on a bus ride to the Bahamian Straw Market. We took a group picture and broke into individual groups to evangelize to the people on the streets. My group was led by a student leader named Matt, and among my group were my friends Nick, Theo, and Andrew. We first met some ladies sitting on a bench and we told them about our trip and school. They were already Christians but we enjoyed a good talk with them. We then went up to a man standing out of the way and talked to him too. He told us he was a Christian and we had a good conversation with him too. The last person we got to talk to was a man named James who was helping sell some things on the side of the road. James believed in a God, but was not too sure about the Bible, Jesus, Heaven and Hell. He has not really thought much about it, but my group got to have an awesome conversation with him. He was not ready to be saved, yet we were able to pray over him and then I gave him my Bible. After the Straw Market, we then went to the hotel/resort Atlantis. The point was to see all this luxurie in the tourist part of the Bahamas after going through a sick and poverty stricken part. It was really impactful to see this beautiful tourist attraction and compare it to all the other places I have been on the trip. Afterwards, we went back to our camp. When then had our nightly campfire and it was especially amazing. The worship was awesome and I grew really close to the Lord. We then took communion. After, we got to reflect on our trip. It was awesome to see how far we came from the first day of the trip to that day. It was truely a great day.

Sean giving a devo before we go off to the Straw Market
Our Group Bahamas photo

My friends praying at Straw Market
More of my friends praying at the Straw Market
My group at the end of our time at the Straw Market

My friends and I after we were at the Straw Market

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